Your Ultimate Optin Template - What Is It and Why Does It Matter?
By Maritza Parra It has come to my attention that many people need help getting up to speed with the language of profitable List Building. This is the foundation that will help you create your own proven list building system from the beginning - or help you rebuild your system in a way that WORKS. Read on to learn the answer answer to the question... What is your Ultimate Optin Page and why focus on it? In the beginning of the internet, several years ago, it was very easy to build huge lists quickly. People weren't overwhelmed and overloaded with emails. They looked forward to them. They wanted to get online newsletters. This is no longer true. Most people are overloaded with emails, so it's become more important to be clear why your perfect prospects should join your life community. A big mistake - One of the biggest mistakes people make is to only have people be able to sign up to your list on your blog or your website. While this is important and you should definitel...